Academic Articles and Endorsements, Scientific Theses
Moscow State Conservatory: Hellene Hiner 'Computer Way to Mozart'. Article is published in the book 'How to Teach Solfeggio in the XXI century. PDF of the English translation
The Gnessin State Musical College and Gnessin Russian Academy of Music: Recommendation letter of Yuri Rozum (1, 2) – People’s Artist of Russian Federation and Dagestan, laureate of international competitions, soloist of the Moscow State Philharmonic society, academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor and head of the special piano department of The Gnessin State Musical College, President of Yuri Rozum International Charitable Foundation. PDF of the English translation
Scientific Publications:
1. About the value of mathematical methods in the study of music and professional training of musicians. Written with M.Zalivadny and Irina Gorbunova (Russian language) Science Index
2. Interactive network technologies for training music in School of digital century. The program 'Soft Way to Mozart' Written with Irina Gorbunova Science Index
3. Musical-computer technologies as an information-translation system at school of the digital century. Written with M.Zalivadny and Irina Gorbunova Science Index
Michael Zalivadny is The N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory's Senior Researcher
Irina Gorbunova, Russian scientist, chief researcher and specialist in the educational direction "Musical-Computer Technologies", organizer and head of the Teaching-Methodical Laboratory of Music and Computer Technologies of the Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen, the leading Russian expert in the field of application of music and computer technologies in the system of primary, secondary and higher education, chairman and jury member of several International, All-Russian and regional competitions in the field of electronic music, as well as the creation and practical use in the educational process various training programs and music and computer technologies, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
4. Inclusive music education: methodical recommendations for the "Soft Way to Mozart" system for special needs children. PDF of the document in Russian
5. The main characteristics of attention span and effective ways of its development in children (Method of teaching music "Soft Way to Mozart"). PDF of the document in Russian
6. Motivation as an important factor in the successful learning of music by example organization of digital academic concerts PDF of the document in Russian
7. Respect for the student and "gentle training" as the main principles
teaching music on the program "Soft Mozart" PDF of the document in Russian