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"Soft Way to Mozart" and Hiner Method on TV and publications worldwide:
Modern computer apps are known to effectively develop professional musical competencies. This paper discusses how student motivation and independent learning can be enhanced using the Soft Mozart app. Initially, the study found that Soft Mozart is a comprehensive training app that is consistent in terms of educational task and skill test construction. Moreover, it provides a thorough approach to the development of technical and sight-reading skills. The student training conducted in this study showed that students in the two study groups had different motivation levels. Students of Group 1, who learned the piano independently using Soft Mozart, had the highest motivation in the first (84%) and fourth (87%) training months. The increased motivation in this group is explained by the effectiveness and interactivity of digital technology-based learning. On the other hand, students of Group 2 who studied with a teacher using traditional methods, showed lower motivation. Task sequencing (3.0) was of greater importance for students of Group 1 because it develops logic and organization in learning. The comprehensiveness of the app was the least important for students (2.2) since they were more concerned with the way the information was presented. Teachers, on the contrary, believe that comprehensiveness (2.9) is of the greatest importance in this type of learning. According to them, a comprehensive approach ensures the compliance of the interactive curriculum with the traditional one. A comparison of the quality of training between the two student groups showed that the training was more effective for students of Group 1 (79% of students achieved high results). Only 41% of Group 2 students achieved high results, which is explained by the use of a different learning approach. This paper is of practical significance, as it sheds light on the possibility of creating an independent learning environment based on the use of the Soft Mozart app. Future research can support the current findings by comparing the effectiveness of Soft Mozart and Piano Marvel for independent piano learning.

The Mayor of Kemerovo Region (Siberia, Russia) Marat Kallimulin with Hellene Hiner's Address Letter.
The Mayor of Kemerovo Region is trying the software before the show starts.