Coupon Code: 3MonthsStarter

What do you have to have to start practicing?

A computer (Win/Mac)

A digital keyboard/piano

"Soft Mozart" software
Who can learn?

kids of any age from 2+

adults of any age
Our "Soft Mozart" software will help you to love working with music notation.
! You will be able to prove to yourself and to the world that you can play the piano with or without sheet music.
! You will get great pleasure learning and sharing your results with others.
! You can finally take your mind off the stress and anxiety outside of your home.
! You will spend unforgettable creative moments with your family, friends and especially children.
! You will be able to meet the same amateurs from different countries and find new friends
! You will learn how to help others and even children (!!!) how to play the piano and read music.
Soft Mozart technology is the best tool for learning music and piano. Use it now!

Some results from our learners:
Discount Coupon is3MonthsStarter
The "Butterfly Ball" Proceeding:
- You download the Soft Mozart software and start learning music pieces with our responsive notation and animated hints that help you to understand: what you do right or wrong, and how to fix it.
- You upload your videos on your YouTube channel.
You place the links of your videos to a dedicated area for the event.
After 15th of January we nominate your blog for prizes upon your performance. *We reward all the participants with educational prizes and some participants with cash prizes*

Try Soft Mozart for free and see how much you can accomplish.
All participants of the "Butterfly Ball" must have a home license to use the "Soft Mozart" software as a main tool for the concert.
A step-by-step list of your actions to prepare for the "Butterfly Ball" from scratch:
2. Download the free demo version of the program and synchronize your piano and computer. Find FAQ how to do it on this page.
3. Make sure to sync. Only then buy access to the full version of the program.
4. Contact us for further instructions.