Develop Attention Span of Your Child With Music. Part 5
Motivation and Will Power.
The energy is just as important in the work of our attention as finances in supporting our life. The ability to correctly expend, conserve, and accumulate our energy is what drives our attention.
Having paid for the “basic expenses” of overcoming physical problems, attention has an opportunity to direct its remaining energy to solving problems “for the soul.”
The attention's investment into learning increases if its energy is replenished by successful execution of a prior task. It produces a natural, organic motivation to improve in one form of activity or another.
If attention’s further investment in a project leads to frustration, attention will borrow energy from will power. Will power is the opposite of cramming. Will power is a conscious personal effort to direct the energy of attention under conditions of frustration. It is directly connected to the student’s faith in his own abilities.
If the student's attention succeeded to promote his independence, self-esteem, and ability to realistically assess his own strengths, the attention may submit to the will power and will gradually cope with the problem.