Note Alphabet
This module helps the player to memorize the music note name order: A-B- C-D-E-F-G or Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti. It gives a student the skills needed to relate one note to another and to easily read notes in any forward or backward sequence.
Use LEFT and RIGHT arrows to put falling notes into the correct note name order. Use Space key to make a note fall faster if the note is in the correct position.
Computer control keys
LEFT arrow - Move falling notes left or down.
RIGHT arrow - Move falling notes right or up.
Space key - Make note fall faster.
A - Switch the program to Alphabetic (A, B, C ...) note names
I - Switch the program to Italian (Solfeggio: Do, Re, Mi...) note
Ctr-X - Exit the program.
- Play several notes in a row correctly (the number depends of the module stage) and the program will switch to the next level of difficulty. You will get more points for every correctly played note, but notes will move faster.
- If you make two mistakes in a row, the program will switch to a lower level of difficulty.
Few words...
This module addresses the important fact that a playing musician, consciously or subconsciously, constantly reads notes in an ascending or descending order. This module provides exercises to help the student to expertly read the music notes in a precise order and be able to immediately identify any following or preceding note. An advanced student can finish the module in 30 minutes (20 minutes of playing time), but beginners should start by only playing for a short time. Please, contact our professionals for your customized guidelines for playing this module!