Piano intensive course for adults-beginners. Lesson 21
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1. Print out Hanon #3 exercise:
2. Start practicing Hanon #3 with separate hands
3. Keep working on Hanon #2
Note Duration® Module
This module teaches timing and rhythm and how to recognize the different time value for each note symbol, how long to play each different type of note.
Press the Space key to play a note on the yellow line.
Release it when the note is over a basket with the same symbol.
The time the Space key is held for different notes depends on the time value symbol of these notes.
You must complete 21 different songs to finish the module.
Play a new note immediately after it is on the yellow line. If you play quickly and correctly, you will hear the melody of a song.
- Try to play 25 notes correctly in a row, and the program will switch to the next level of difficulty. You will get 2 points for every correctly played note. If another 25 notes in a row are played without mistake, the program switches to the maximum level of difficulty, and you get 3 points for a correctly played note.
- If you make 2 mistakes in a row, the module will switch to a lower level of difficulty. In the lowest level you get no points, and notes slow down. To escape from this level you need to play 5 notes in a row without any mistakes.
Few words...
The module directly builds the eye-hand coordination needed to differentiate notes by time value.
You are going to play different melodies from an actual music score, but using only one key.
This enables the learner to concentrate on learning the time value for each note symbol.
When you will achieve the advanced level, you will be able to finish the module in 14 minutes (13 minutes of module time), but in the beginning stage start by playing for a shorter time.
Please, contact our professionals for your customized guidelines for playing this module!
Download and add to your library the SPACE Etude #5
Practice the R and L of the piece on 2, 4, 5 and 6.
Gentle Piano®: Album Favorite Classic 1:
1. Ode to joy
2.Pastoral Symphony #6
3.Sonata Pathetique
4. Symphony #5
5. Santa Lucia
Practice by playing with separate and both hands on 2.
Record your results.
The suggested piano pieces from the Lesson #12 to the Lesson #52 is built on"one size fits all" principal. If you need more or less challenge, contact us at admin@softmozart.com
Gentle Piano® Album Favorite Classic 2: Barcarole
Play R3 and R3H, L3 and L3H and P3 and P3H
Don't forget to record your results.
Video-success story:
If you have any questions or comment, email me any time at admin@softmozart.com
Sincerely yours,
Hellene Hiner
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