Piano intensive course for adults-beginners. Lesson 25
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1. Printout the Hanon #4 exercise:
2. Practice to play the exercise using separate hands
3 Keep practicing Hanon #4 with metronome/beats
4. Make a video of yourself playing Hanon #4 exercise and share it in your progress diary
Learning essential base for fluent music reading verbally.
Resources for the development of hearing and voice are embedded into the Music Alphabet. This is the key to reading melodies, intervals, and chords. It is at the foundation of procurement of sound from an instrument, because in any instrument, the sound apparatus is organized in a set pattern.
At the moment, educators try to tie the memorization of notes to the lines of the music staff, ignoring the notes’ context in a united space, such as the Grand Staff. This is unreasonable because:
- Each note is a part of a united whole. It doesn’t exist all on its own, but is connected to all of the other notes in a music context. One must know not only one note’s location on the music staff, but must be familiar with all of the space that surrounds it. Ideally, one should be able to internally hear the note’s harmonious constructions, possible melodic paths and possibilities. Playing each note, a musician should be able to name it, sing it out loud or in his head, and trace it forward by several bars. This is what constitutes firm music logic, and knowledge of the Music Alphabet helps to understand the logic of the language of music.
- Notes of the alphabet follow a specific order. An alphabet is an orderly and symmetric system. It helps one to understand the visual logic of the language of music: music notation.
- The use of the Music Alphabet prepares the student for the spatial regularity of music. Knowledge of the order of the notes transfers to the keys, where he will understand that “Do” is three keys away from “Sol,” etc. Later this helps to quickly play the jumps in melody, double and triple notes, and chords. Work with the music alphabet prepares the hands of a person for music reading.
- The auditory memorization of speech is one of the most stable and innate skills. With the help of the articulative memory, a child learns to speak. To leave out this prized skill is simply stupid. In my classes, there are children with very poor music hearing. At first, they effectively memorize music pieces depending on articulation (the naming of the notes). Articulation becomes music, and the music tugs out the development of hearing and memory. The music alphabet helps to develop music memory through articulation.
1. Download the Alphabetical Song-chant
2. Printout the first circle of Note Alphabet:
3. listen to all tracks of the song and learn the last chant with all note rows by heart
Download and add to your library Etude #7
Practice on R, L and P 2,4,5 and 6.
Gentle Piano®: Album Simona 1 Level 0.4
1. The Crane
2. A Cuckoo in the woods
3. Allegro
4. Allegretto
Play with separate and both hands on 2.
Record the scores.
The suggested piano pieces from the Lesson #12 to the Lesson #52 is built on"one size fits all" principal. If you need more or less challenge, contact us at admin@softmozart.com
Gentle Piano®: Album Favorite Classic 2 Bourre:
Keep practicing the piece and try to make less to 0 mistakes with minimum time lag.
If you have any questions or comment, email me any time at admin@softmozart.com
Sincerely yours,
Hellene Hiner
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