Piano intensive course for adults-beginners. Lesson 39
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The piano keys are the best tool of child's fine motor skills/brain development.
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1. Hanon #7 - practice to play with separate hands and say the names of each note/key
2. Practice to play by separate hands with a metronome/beats and say the names of each note/key
Music writing 1
Keep practicing your fast music writing.
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Gentle Piano® Module and find Solfeggio Chords 1 Major C 1.0
- Open the folder and find the first piece Millet:
- Press 3 R and play the song with your right hand.
- Press 'RH" to hide all the notes of the right hand and play the melody of the piece by ear. *Singing solfeggio will help you to memorize the song faster.*
- Write all the notes on the music paper.Gentle Piano®: Favorite Classics 2 Album
1. Wedding March
2. March Militaire
3. Roses from the south
4. The Blue Danube Waltz
Play with separate and both hands on 5.
Record your scores.
The suggestions of the piano pieces from the Lesson #12 to the Lesson #52 are built on"one size fits all" principal. If you need more or less challenge, contact us at admin@softmozart.com
Gentle Piano®:Album Favorite Classic 3. "Funeral March of a Marionette" - play RH, LH and PH and make little to 0 mistakes with minimum time lag.
If you have any questions or comment, email me any time at admin@softmozart.com
Sincerely yours,
Hellene Hiner
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