Piano key stickers and guides.
Piano keys and music notes of Grand Staff are one visual unite, if to turn the notes 90 degrees:
We use two systems of naming the piano keys and music notes: Alphabetical (C, D, E, F; G, A и B), and "Solfeggio" or Italian (Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti). Computer Hot Keys:Here are the names of English pictures that phonetically correlate with Solfeggio music notes' names:
Press A for Alphabet. Press I for icons (Italian, Solfeggio).
We recommend: ...to use Italian system for all beginners and especially early learners from 2 to 5. These icons a child can easily recognize and remember before he/she even can learn how to read. More importantly that Solfeggio syllables are very convenient for singing and memorization. Singing promotes music ear development of beginners. They also capable of building connection between the note, note's name and pitch more effectively.
LEARNING PIANO GEOGRAPHY. For the best interaction with piano keys older beginners can download, print and place the piano key guides behind the keys.
Meanings of the colors and shapes:
• 5 green stripes are for the keys corresponding with lines of the Treble Clef.
• 5 brown stripes are for the keys corresponding with lines of the Bass Clef.
• Half brown, half green stripe is for the Middle C (Middle Do) and represents the first additional line.
• Red - color of all the line notes.
• Blue - color of all the space notes.
• Lightly colored blue space between the 3rd and 4th lines to indicate the beginning of the next octave
Using stickers will help to develop coordination and remove the stress and anxiety from the fear of pressing the wrong one of countless similar-looking piano keys when learning to play.
Our stickers act as your musical road signs. With them you will never be lost and always will find the correct key. The color scheme of these stickers creates a direct and subconscious visual association of piano keys with the music staff.
Piano key sticker guide for Italian (Solfeggio) note names:
Piano key sticker guide for Alphabetical note names: