Preparatory A (from 2+). Lesson 20
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Today we will take a closer look at our interactive music modules. What do you have to know from pedagogy point of view about them?
Features of Working With Theory Modules
As was mentioned earlier, the use of software modules should be introduced gradually. How many minutes are needed with each module, should be decided, depending on the child's concentration level.
We need to press F1 and stop playing at the first sign of tiredness or loss of concentration in the child. Remember: it is not the amount of minutes that is important, but the comfort and the interest of the child. So don't ask the question: 'How many minutes should the child play?' Put the question another way: 'How much time does the little one need so as to work comfortably?'
Even if it's only a few seconds of attention, those seconds should be used to help with the task. All modules of the program are based on such an algorithm, that takes into account, every movement of the student and slows down to a complete stop, when there is a large number of mistakes. If the child makes fast and correct decisions, the program takes him to more challenging levels.
Therefore you don't have to help the child. This will only disrupt the algorithm program.
No need to give the toddler more than five minutes of playing time, even if his interest has been aroused. The algorithm has been created so as not to exhaust the child, but to stimulate his progress in the field of concentration, not in the field of endurance.
White cat - black cat exercise:
Let's start with short and simple version of the exercise!
1. Take only 3 white and 2 black keys
2. Tell your child which finger is 'white cat' and which is 'black cat'
3. Let him experience the work of his fingers
4. He can play as many times as he wish!
I made a video for you! Let's call it a 'spooky song'!
Here is how one of our students learning the exercise:
This week, after long preparations with the cards, let's start working on the Note Alphabet School
This module helps the player to memorize the music note name order: A-B- C-D-E-F-G or Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti. It gives your child the skills needed to relate one note to another and to easily read notes in any forward or backward sequence.
Use LEFT and RIGHT arrows to put falling notes into the correct note name order. Use Space key to make a note fall faster if the note is in the correct position.
Computer control keys
LEFT arrow - Move falling notes left or down.
RIGHT arrow - Move falling notes right or up.
Space key - Make note fall faster.
A - Switch the program to Alphabetic (A, B, C ...) note names
I - Switch the program to Italian (Solfeggio: Do, Re, Mi...) note
Ctr-X - Exit the program.
- Play several notes in a row correctly (the number depends of the module stage) and the program will switch to the next level of difficulty. You will get more points for every correctly played note, but notes will move faster.
- If you make two mistakes in a row, the program will switch to a lower level of difficulty.
This module addresses the important fact that a playing musician, consciously or subconsciously, constantly reads notes in an ascending or descending order. This module provides exercises to help your child to expertly read the music notes in a precise order and be able to immediately identify any following or preceding note. An advanced student like you can finish the module in 30 minutes (20 minutes of playing time), but beginners should start by only playing for a short time. Don't push!
The most important goal for your toddler for now is to learn how to coordinate Right Hand (by using right and left arrows) with Left Hand (pressing the space bar).
This module also develops skills for the eye focus to follow the small moving objects.
As all other modules this module contributes to the perfect pitch development.
First learn how to play this module by yourself and after that teach your child.
Gentle Piano
Keep working on 'French Song' from Introductory Album using separate or even both hands.
Keep working on all the previously learnt pieces.
Share with us your thoughts and experience! Ask questions!
Have fun!
Sincerely yours,
Hellene Hiner
Video sample:
All the lesson plans:
for 24 months to 3 year old
3 year old to 5 year old
5+ year old
Intensive Course for Adults-beginners
Always check here, if there any recital in the progress! You and your child will benefit a lot from the participation.
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