Preparatory A (from 2+). Lesson 40
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How was your week? Did you have a chance to share with our community your and your toddler's achievements in music?
In our Pedagogy Class today we are going to summarize the knowledge about gradual eye-hand coordination of toddler with my method.
1. Our initial goal is to teach our toddler to see at least one note, one corresponding key, and to press the key.
Let’s pose the following tasks to the student’s attention:
- to see the note of the right hand;
- to find the corresponding key;
- to press the key.
To See the Note
Open the Hot Cross Buns piece in the Gentle Piano Module.
The amount of times it takes to focus on note Mi varies depending on child's age and level of development.
The child already knows that Mi is a Mirror.
We can show Mi on the screen so that the child knew where to look. However, it is better not to do it and let him find it on his own.
The child's attention has three main objectives:
- To decide on which flower to focus the eye.
- To decide which flower belongs to the right hand.
- To decide which image represents the ''mirror''
If the child’s attention still needs improvement, you can help him by partially covering the screen to direct the energy of focus towards a single note.
Teaching a Student to Perceive Characteristics of Each Note
Besides having a name, each notes has a unique position on the music staff. Both of these variables are equally important for the student's attention. It will be fairly easy to develop the skill of reading lines and spaces with the help of audo memory and vision if attention is first directed towards identifying the name of the note on the music staff and then towards its position,
In order to facilitate this type of activity:
We work on the skill of identifying notes on and between the lines. Contrasting color helps the student's attention sort this information quickly.
We develop this idea with the help of the following concept: notes on the lines are "girls," and notes between the lines are "boys."
With the help of the cards, we teach students to discern regular notes on the lines and between the lines. First, one by one; and then, two at a time.
The skill of quick visual line and space orientation is developed through the Fruit Lines Module.
Do (C) Major: let's teach your toddler to play the entire scale
Here is the LMZ file for playing the scale using both hands. Download and add the file to your Library
I suggest to use this file to help your toddler with the Left Hand first.
After working on fingerings of his Left hand he can try to play the scale using both hands in contrary motion as it was explained in my video at my last lesson.Keep video recording your toddler's
Fruit Lines Module.
This module helps the player to memorize a corresponding note name for any line or space of the Bass and Treble staves.
Using the LEFT or RIGHT arrows, move the baskets to catch a note, represented as a fruit or flower bud, with a basket having the corresponding note name. Green and brown trees represent vertical Treble and Bass staff lines. Gradually they will change to normal horizontal thin black lines. Use the SPACE key to make notes fall faster into the correct basket. You have 90 levels and 10 different representations of the Bass and Treble staves to complete and finish the module.
Computer control keys
Be sure to switch Num Lock off if you use the number pad keys!
LEFT arrow - Move falling notes left or down.
RIGHT arrow - Move falling notes right or up.
Space key - Make note fall faster.
A - Switch the program to Alphabetic (A, B, C ...) note names
I - Switch the program to Italian (Solfeggio: Do, Re, Mi...) note names
Ctr-X - Exit the program.
Try to use the Left or Right arrow to move the closest correct basket to the fruit.
- Play several notes in a row correctly (the number depends of the module stage) and the program will switch to the next level of difficulty. You will get more points, but the notes will move faster. If you make two mistakes in a row, the module will switch to a lower level of difficulty.
Few words...
This module develops the skills to recognize the corresponding note name for any line of the Alphabetical or Solfeggio note order to choose a correct note name. Thus, it trains another important skill - to fasten notes to lines and spaces of the Grand Staff. An advanced student can finish this module in 40 minutes (21 minutes of module time), but beginners should start by only playing for a short time. Please, contact our professionals for your customized guidelines for playing this module!
Start playing this Module and teach your toddler!
Practice all of your piano pieces and hide the notes, if your child remembers them.
Enjoy this week spending quality time with your child, beautiful music and creativity!
Sincerely yours, Hellene Hiner.
Sample video:
All the lesson plans:
for 24 months to 3 year old
3 year old to 5 year old
5+ year old
Intensive Course for Adults-beginners
Always check here, if there any recital in the progress! You and your child will benefit a lot from the participation.
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