Preparatory A (from 2+). Lesson 8
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Is your experience with teaching your child music and piano nice and smooth?
Today we will try to learn how to ware different 'hats' being a mom and a teacher at the same time.
For a small child mom – is someone nurturing and taking care of, and a teacher – is someone, who is giving instructions. This is why your child can play up and show off with parents and to be shy, intimidated but cooperative with a teacher.
This is where all the problems of the home schooling come from and sometimes it is way too overwhelming for the parents. Do not be afraid! Merely try to remember simple rules:
1. Make the impersonation into a teacher and a student a ‘ritual’. For instance, change clothes ‘for school’ or place in your home ‘to enter to our classroom’. You also may buy a little bell and make it as a signal for starting the class. It would be also very helpful to ask your baby to wash his/her hands and comb his/her hair ‘for the classes.’
2. Change the tone of your communication. Now you are a Teacher. Please, forget all these nice nicknames for a while. О ласковых прозвищах надо забыть на некоторое время. Treat your child with respect, but do not be harsh.
3. Try do not ask: would you like to play with cards? Just give your student an option to choose. Offer nor more than 2 choices! But the best way is to simply captivate your child’s interest with your own enthusiasm. ‘Music cards – wow! It is so cool! Would you like to play?’
4. Use specific levers of encouragement. If ‘ you are great!’ – let it be a sticker or color figure from construction paper. Always try to find an unexpected opportunity for the encouraging.
For example, your child calmed down and got focused. You give him a ‘present’ and abruptly say: wow! You’ve got concentration! Give the presents for anything: when child stopped talking, became perceptive, stopped wiggling, played one note correctly. This process should be like crocheting or knitting needles: ANY positive moment should be used as a an eyelet for the future growth.
5. Always finish your lessons BEFORE your child got tired and preferably at the most exciting moment.
6. Do not be afraid of stamping on one place. In teaching young children the most important goal is not the result of learning, but maintenance of the desire to learn.
7. If your child is preoccupied with something and doesn’t want to start the class, try to win his attention with your colorful ‘music money’. Get construction paper and make 'butterflies' or 'flags' for that and 'pay' your child for every task that he/she had accomplished for you.
8. If this is not helping either, get yourself to the instrument , learn a piece and give yourself a ‘flag’. Don’t give your spot up to your child immediately after requesting, if asked. You have to send him/her a message that classes are important to you too. Teach your child to value your time. When you are about to end your session, say: ‘Now we are mom and daughter/son again! Let’s count our 'music money' and convert them into real presents! What to use for the presents is up to you.
Keep teaching to play 5 fingers exercise using different fingers.
1. Keep working with the Guess Key® Module
2. Don't forget to sing first two tracks of the Alphabet Song Chant and place the cards in order from Do and Re.
1. Keep teaching Hot Cross Buns (Right hand)
2. The 'Butterfly Do' and 'Butterfly' piano pieces.
3. Keep working on 'Surprize Symphony' and 'Slumber Song'
1. E. Humperdinck ‘Slumber Song’ (to play more advanced version, find the piece in Favorite Classics Primer)
Look for E. Humperdinck Hansel and Gretel Overture. Original sample -
Your personal challenge: Sight-reading with the Gentle Piano: E. Humperdinck ‘Slumber Song’ (to play, find in Favorite Classics Primer) play R1, L1 or P1. Sing the notes with Solfeggio.
2. Let's work on building your child's self-esteem. Watch this little story about what it takes to make mistakes. Enjoy the same music theme as you just practice - E. Humperdinck ‘Slumber Song’
THEORY THEATER: Watch the video about mistakes:
Sincerely yours,
Hellene Hiner
Video success:
All the lesson plans:
for 24 months to 3 year old
3 year old to 5 year old
5+ year old
Intensive Course for Adults-beginners
Always check here, if there any recital in the progress! You and your child will benefit a lot from the participation.
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