Preparatory C (from 5+). Lesson 15
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Pedagogy today: the importance of imagery in learning to develop a child's ability to focus on music.
The visual ability to distinguish objects and colors develops in a child after birth and is a new skill. The ability to focus is just a developing skill. That is why the child, until he becomes interested in some object and focuses on it, will look in different directions. And since vision is the motivator of movement, the child will move around the room.
This is a completely normal reaction!
There are simple everyday ways to attract the attention of the child and his development. They formed spontaneously. Bending over the cradle, we begin to talk with the child, and he, responding to the tone of our voice, studies the features of our face. Rattles are very popular in the toy store for the little ones. By attracting the attention of the child with the sound of a toy, we help his vision to focus on it.By passing the toy in space, we teach the child's eyes to follow the movement of the toy. So, with the help of an already created and working channel of perception (hearing), we switch the child to the development of another (the ability to focus).
According to this principle, the child develops, connecting various channels of information into one whole and combining billions of neurons into "paths", "paths", "highways" and "junctions". The new skills of the child are "paths" that branch off from the roads already created. It is very important for the teacher to know and understand the strengths of the baby, his main "highways". It's not at all as difficult as it seems!
The use of images in teaching the sounds of music and his voice is very important for your child's development!
From speech to picture:
Speech memory is one of the most developed skills in a child. Children learn to imitate the intonations of adults from birth, because their hearing develops even in the womb. There are many videos where 2-month-old babies already imitate the intonation of their parents and sometimes even repeat some words exactly after them.
Pictures of a farm, mirror,door and others can attract the attention of a child when they are accompanied by a word and an action and a musical sound.
1. We teach the child to find the named picture among others. From the spontaneous, we direct the child's attention to targeted focusing. First we call the picture "full name", and then we shorten it to the name of the note.
2. We listen, dance to and sing a song with the baby, in which the names of the pictures line up in certain "poems". Dancing to the music and repeating the words of "poems" the child spontaneously memorizes the sequence of syllables.
3. With the help of the learned "verses" we teach the child to already build a sequence of pictures
4. We complicate the intellectual task and "hide" some pictures from the row and invite the child to find the "loss" using speech memory
From the picture - to the key and note. Development of hand-eye coordination.
The picture becomes a "guide" to the development of hand-eye coordination when it is present both on the keys and on the notes. A healthy child learns to compare pictures and use them to transfer focus from the keys to the monitor screen quickly enough.
Visual motivation pushes the baby to press not just a key for the sake of sound, but a "familiar" key, the name of which is known and spoken. The eyes find the same picture in the musical text.
It often happens that it is difficult for a child to focus on a picture - a note - a key even with our program, because there is too much visual information in front of his eyes. Therefore, he begins to literally scatter all over the keyboard, unable to select one key from the set. In order to help him focus primarily on motor skills, we must cover the temporarily "interfering" part of the screen and keyboard.
Pressing a key causes an animation on the screen. So gradually the child begins to form hand-eye coordination.
Since the child's most developed and independent finger is the index finger, he will most likely begin to press the keys with it.
However, the gradual memorization of the sequence of pictures helps the child to perceive both visual information and his own fingers, not one at a time. but in a small group. It helps a lot to learn the location of notes and keys, as well as to understand how best to group the fingers.
1. We continue to work on Hanon's exercise number 1:
Learning to play with two hands using the program Gentle Piano®.
Video example:
2. Exercises for setting hands O.M. Egorova "Finger Commands".
This exercise focuses and develops attention on the awareness of each finger, grouped and placed on the keys. Especially the weakest fingers of the hand - 4 and 5 - need an influx of attention. If you perform this exercise daily, then beginners with even very weak fingers will be able to gradually develop their flexibility, independence and strength.
Video example:
3. We repeat the completed exercises.
Fruit Lines®
We continue to work on the module. We stick to the same playing time and record the result. Do not forget to write down the result in the progress diary.
1.Reading from a sheet: back to album Nursery Primer. Mulberry Bush - play R, L и P на 2, 4, 5 и 6 presentations (no pictures)
Video example:
2. Gentle Piano®- A play to be performed. Christmas Carols:
Jolly Old Saint Nickolas: we begin to learn the piece by heart with separate hands.
R - RH, L- LH
1. Continue watching the story "Heart of Music" 2
2. Continue listening to the orchestral performance of "Waltz of the Flowers".
3. Continue to find and listen to other interpretations on the Internet
4. Learn to determine where 2 beats of the rhythm (March), where 3 (Waltz) with the help of video:
5. Continue to improve the game TEASER
Visit our Soft Mozart forum and start your progress diary here. Use the current year section. This is the place for you to ask questions and share your experiences.
At least 2 photos and 1-2 videos of the listed activities will count towards your child's credits for the graduation DIPLOMA. Please upload the video to You Tube, copy the address from the BROWSER window and paste it into your Progress Diary. Do not forget to indicate the year and type of work in the description of your Soft Mozart Academy photo / video.
Sincerely Yours,
Hellene Hiner
Video success:
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