Preparatory C (from 5+). Lesson 36
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Music Appreciation With The Hiner Method
Music Appreciation: According to the Hiner Method, using the masterpieces of musical culture to create an alternative to the “clip thinking” of children from early preschool age and up.
The way information is presented in our informative and cultural spaces contributes to the development of " clip thinking" in children. This is due to the intensive development of the " clip culture" of the 21st century.
What is clip culture?
- Material fed in a mosaic, fragmentary form
- Use of bright and short-term pictures
- Quick change of short video series
- The lack of a logical connection among fragmented images
- Fragmentary information
- The loss of holistic patterns in through that fragmentation
Such a presentation forms the perception of the world in which the child is not able to self-identify him or herself or to develop as a person. The child, instead, turns into a digital “cog” of the consumption system, an inanimate part of a video game.
What is dangerous about the development of " clip thinking"?
1. The inability to concentrate on information for a long time, reducing the ability of analytical thinking and independent thinking
2. Intellectual and spiritual degradation
3. Vulnerability to manipulation and outside influences
4. Decreased ability to empathize
5. Tendency to act out rashly
The course “Music Appreciation” with the Hiner Method is able to develop resistance to clip thinking in a child.
The goal of the course is to help create a spiritually developed and rational person who is able to think critically, filter out informational garbage, be able to focus and maintain a high level of concentration and self-realize as a unique, holistic, creative person.
1. Repeat exercises at a new level. Chromatic scale. Play with the metronome at the fastest pace you can. Work on a smooth sound.
2. Repetition of O.M. Egorova for the setting of hands.
Transposition course for the little ones. Stages I-II. Tonic, Dominant, Eighths, Quarters, Rhythmic Dictation and Beethoven's "Turkish March"
This is the last week of the course. Be sure to make video-photo examples of working with it. Do not forget to publish notes, photos and video documents in your progress diary.
If your child is growing faster or slower than our plans suggest, we encourage you to contact us at to start learning with our certified professionals.
1. Gentle Piano®- Reading from a sheet. Favorite Classic 0. R. Wagner "Bridal Chorus" R, L, P 2,4,5 or 6
2. A play to be performed. Boogie 1. Robot Rock. Play R - RH, L - LH, P-PH
We try to make as few mistakes as possible with a minimum time lag for RH, LH и PH.
Visit our Soft Mozart forum and start your progress diary here. Use the current year section. This is the place for you to ask questions and share your experiences.
At least 2 photos and 1-2 videos of the listed activities will count towards your child's credits for the graduation DIPLOMA. Please upload the video to You Tube, copy the address from the BROWSER window and paste it into your Progress Diary. Do not forget to indicate the year and type of work in the description of your Soft Mozart Academy photo / video.
Sincerely Yours,
Hellene Hiner
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All the lesson plans:
For 2+ students
For students from 3 to 5
For students 5+
Always check here, if we have any recital! You and your child will benefit a lot from participating in our concerts!
Your place to start your progress diary is here.