Scope and Sequence. Level 1
Hands On Music Appreciation: Practicing Themes from selected masterpieces on piano and build aural understanding for original works of L. Beethoven, A. Dvorjak, P.Tchaikovsky, A.Borodin, E.Grieg, J.Strauss, J.Bach.
Building skills to recognize composers and pieces after listening short segments of music.
Performing themes from learned music pieces with both hands with or without notation.
Piano technique, fine motor skills development, fingers management :
Practicing Hanon #1, Chromatic scale, C Major Scale, Triads with metronome and without, gradually increasing speed of exercises, working on even rhythm.
Piano performance: getting skills to memorize piano pieces of Level 1-2 (Level may be increased for some individuals) and polish them for the artistic playing.Working on phrasing, articulation, dynamics. Learning about different interpretations,
Sight-reading : piano pieces of Level 0 from different Albums of Soft Mozart library. Transposing some pieces with I II III to the keys with up to 2 sharps and flats.
Sight-singing: singing the Level 0 piano pieces and transposing some in keys with up to 1-2 sharps and flats
Ear Training and Music Dictations:
-Developing perfect Pitch with Guess Key Mode
- Building skills to memorize music Level 0
-Writing memorized pieces of Lev 0 on music paper
- Listening to simple melodies and writing them down by ear
-Listening to simple melodies and writing their rhythm (quaters, halfs, eighths,whole notes)
- Learning to write melodies and their rhythm at once
- Transposing Major/Minor piano pieces to keys with up to 1-2 sharps and flats
- Building skills to pick chords to different melodies