Scope And Sequence. Prep C (5 y.o+)
Music Appreciation: development of listening skills through puppet theater videos, interaction with Elementary music score and world class recordings. Learn to recognize certain pieces of Haydn, E. Humperdinck, P.Tchaikovsky, F.Liszt, L. Beethoven, W. Mozart, A. Rubinstein and G.Rossini.
Name composers and pieces after listening short segments of music.
Active music appreciation: playing themes from learned music pieces with separate or both hands.
Fine motor skills development: learning to control each finger of right and left hand through interactive software games and carefully selected piano exercises. Learning to play 5 fingers exercises, Hanon #1, Chromatic scale, C Major Scale, Triads, piano pieces from Introductory and 0 - 1 levels. Pressing 1-4 keys at the same time. Introduction to piano fingers' management (fingering) with or without metronome.
Development of Eye-Focus: training eye-sight to focus on large and smaller objects. Learning to recognize small objects. Training to shift eye-focus among lines and spaces of Grand Staff. Learning to divide eye focus between sheet music and piano keys. Learning to grasp several lines and spaces of the Grand Staff. Training is provided with flash cards and interactive software modules.
Development of Hand-Eye Coordination: Learning to shift eye focus and press a computer key at the same time, learning to play piano keys in accordance with their position on the Grand Staff and duration. Building skills to play without looking at hands, keeping eyes on music score. Building skills of fingers management (fingering) in a process of sight-reading music.
Development of both hands coordination: building skills to play piano exercises with synchronic movements of both hands. Working on 0-1 level piano pieces using both hands. Learning to play melodies with simple shell chords. Pressing 1-3 notes at a time. Learning to perform different motor movements simultaneously (pressing keys by one hand and changing them in another). Building skills to combine staccato and legato notes.
Ear Training: learning to distinguish sounds with or without pitch, interactive practicing with notes/keys of different duration, recognizing and memorizing small motifs with up to 7 notes, distinguishing 2 or 3 times meters, Major scales from C, D, E, F, G, A, B (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Ti). Learning to convert pitches into Solfeggio syllables and vice versa.
Playing short piano pieces from different keys (transposing).
Building skills to pick chords to different melodies
Voice development: matching voice to pictures and pitches, singing small motifs and piano pieces with solfeggio syllables, sight-singing simple melodies from Elementary score, learning to match voice to different pitches, singing solfeggio.
Sight-reading music. Learning to sight-read 0-1 Level pieces from Elementary Grand Staff with no pictures. Eye-training to distinguish vertical and horisontal lines and spaces. Sight-reading with separate and both hands.