The basic rules of learning to sight-read music using the module "Gentle Piano"
1. Select the Album from Gentle Pieno list, which is 1-2 levels lower than the pieces that you are learning for your performance. The level of each album is indicated to the right of its title.
3. Start reading on the 2nd presentations (vertical without pictures) with both hands.
Do not be afraid to stay on the vertical presentation for as long as your you need to build your skills to recognize all the spaces and lines and keys on the fly.
This visual mode is essential for your sight-reading development.
4. If the number of mistakes on the left is greater than 5 and the time (on the right) is more than the number of notes played, you are not ready to read a piece with both hands.
We recommend reading first with separate hands, and then with two for the most smooth sight-reading experience.
5. Play by each hand or both hands no more than 2 times. Memorization of the music is not our goal in sight-reading.
6. Gradual challenges:
- aim for less mistakes: set your goal to play all the pieces in an Album with 5, 3, 1 or no mistakes (choose 1 option for each session)
- move from the vertical (second) presentation to 4, 5 and 6. DO NOT USE THE FIRST AND THIRD visual modes, because they do not develop your ability to recognize lines and spaces.
7. Keep your records in you Progress Diary in our forum or just in your notebook.