In spite of the fact that my daughter is very determined and consequent with her studies, she is extremely shy, introvert. We live in a rather small town, where finding a good teacher is quite a utopia. So, when she first told us that all she wants for her birthday was to learn how to play the piano, I freaked out!
I wanted to support her dream, but I was so afraid that this new passion of her would be blown away (just as it happened with her ballet dream) by a wrong teaching method, by a “wrong” teacher.
When a dear friend of mine told me about Soft Mozart, we started to dream: “What if we have a chance to learn music together, at our own pace, at what hour of the day we want to?” All of the sudden, her dream of playing the piano started to seem tangible!
We bought the 6 month license and immediately felt how we turn, from the “passive” piano lovers (audience), into the “active” ones (piano players).
It was such a huge surprise for me to discover that, for the same money, I can learn along, too!
Ever since I was a child, I’ve been madly in love with piano music, but never been supported or encouraged to follow my dream… This program healed my soul, and gave me back those years of longing for the piano.
My self-esteem used to be so low, that I have never even dared to get close to a piano. In fact, by the time we bought the license, I didn’t know what the black keys on a piano are for…
Both my child and I are completely changed now – Maia has literally bloomed, she is much more confident, opened and talkative than before; she has discovered, not only how much she loves classical music, but that she can also play it one day. In about 5 months of Soft Mozart, she passed from level 0, to level 2, and I dared and succeeded to play level 5 pieces!
Maia’s fine motor skills have improved a lot and it may sound hard to believe but, out of the blue, she began handwriting cursively, and I know for sure that the piano exercises have a lot to do with this.
More importantly, she knows now the value of hard and constant work, I and Maia have now a new special bondage, I am her role model and she is my role model.
Last, but not least, we’ve been always supported, encouraged, guided, praised and positively criticized, both by Hellene Hiner and the wonderful family we found on the Soft Mozart forum.
Thank you very much and happy learning everyone!
Sherry (USA)
Natalia (USA)
Contest for amature learners in Kaliningrad (Russia)