Level 3. lesson 5
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1. Repeat Hanon #2 Exercise:
2. Practice to play the Hanon #2 exercise with the TEACHING VIDEO for 2, where your part is played too.
Leaning chords: to memorize and to pick by ear:
Gentle Piano®- "Solfeggio and Chords Minor A 1.3 - Kerchief,
Listen to the song first by pressing S (listen), then play it with your left hand (L) and with your left hand hidden (LH).
Try not to make mistakes in the shortest possible time.
You can find additional info for this type of work by following this link.
1. Gentle Piano®- Music Sight-Reading.
Hallelujah Chorus
R2, R4, L2, L4
2. Piano Piece for Performing:
Gentle Piano®- Favorite Classic 3: Camille Saint-Sans "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice": R-RH, L-LH и P-PH
F. Schubert ‘Serenade’
ТEASER Gentle Piano®-Favorite Classic 3 - F. Schubert ‘Serenade’
Learn to play the ТEASER on any visual presentation that you like on R or L
Listen to the sample that we found for you:
Visit our Soft Mozart forum and start your progress diary here. Use the current year section. This is the place for you to ask questions and share your experiences.
At least 2 photos and 1-2 videos of the listed activities will count towards your child's credits for the graduation DIPLOMA. Please upload the video to You Tube, copy the address from the BROWSER window and paste it into your Progress Diary. Do not forget to indicate the year and type of work in the description of your Soft Mozart Academy photo / video.
Sincerely Yours,
Hellene Hiner