Music classes at home? This is not only possible, but also reasonable!
Recommended age: from 2+
The level of musical training: any.
Adults of all ages, music professionals and amateurs, as well as all those who doesn't carry tune.
Our system "Soft Mozart" professionally teaches music and develops cognitive abilities, attention, fine motor skills and intellectual abilities of each.
Do you know that one of the most important discoveries in the field of music education has happened very recently?
The discovery was supported by leading schools of the world, including Oxford!
Now you can teach children how to play piano and read sheet music, learn and teach your kids music theory, provide home ear training, and many other subjects at home with ease.
We have developed a unique course, which has no analogues in the world.
In fact, this is a whole new trend in the science of music pedagogy.
Here is a unique video testimonial that scored nearly 2 Million views on YouTube:
Meet Sofiyka, the distant student of Soft Mozart Academy, and learn about her progress over a year and a half of training! Sophiyka's mom initially didn't have any music education. Now she does! Sofiyka on this video was recorded, when she was from 3 to 4 and a half years old.
We not only effectively teach, but we unite generations and enrich the lives of every family with the help of music!If such small kid can, you will be able not only help your children, but also learn how to play the piano and read the musical notation yourself!
Since the Academy is a completely new type, we advise you to start with free preparatory classes.
We will tell you why the old approaches to learning music do not work or work poorly. We will supply you with all the necessary materials and software for this.
This knowledge will turn all your ideas about music and change your outlook forever.
Sign up for our courses right now!
Happy learning!
The author of the Academy Soft Mozart - New Generation Music School
Hellene Hiner