Piano intensive course for adults-beginners. Lesson 6
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1. Keep practicing all the exercises
2. Practice the Chromatic scale with separate hands.
3. Print out the pictures and keep them in front of your eyes for better fingering memorization:
Sample video from one of our students:
Make a video of your playing exercises and share your YouTube link on our forum in your Progress Dairy.
Keep practicing the Guess Key®.
Always stop the module, when your goal time is over.
Sample from one of our students:
Write down the results and keep all the results in your progress diary.
Please, remember: we recommend playing the etudes on 2, 4, 5 and 6 visual modes (press 2, 4, 5 or 6 on your computer keyboard).
Use of 1 and 3 may distract you from the perception of the lines.
Album Nursery 1 - sight-read on 4 with separate and both hands. S to hear the piano piece AFTER the first try. Have only 2 tries Write the score down and see the improvement.Share your progress in your progress diary.
1. Keep practicing all the piano pieces
2. Memorize the "Jingle Bells" using rh, lh and ph feature of the Gentle Piano
3. Play Jingle Bells with the TEACHING video with a metronome:
With no metronome:
4. Start playing R, L and P of the "Ode to Joy" and "Happy Birthday" from the same "Introductory Sons" Album.
Make videos of your progress in order to receive your feedback from us!
One more success story from our student:
If you have any questions or comment, email me any time at admin@softmozart.com
Sincerely yours,
Hellene Hiner
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Here in the forum is the place for your Progress Diary
Always check, if we have any recitals in progress. The place for recitals is here