Preparatory A (from 2+). Lesson 10
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How is your home practice? Getting better? Is my teaching course helping you to understand your child's mind better? Is he cooperating with you? Enjoy your lessons! They will help you to become a successful team forever! Music unites generations! Have fun!
Today in our pedagogy class we will talk about the rewarding.
When working with little ones, it is very important to master the art of immediately noticing and rewarding, every positive movement he makes, with 'musical money.'
You can make butterflies or flags from construction paper or buy coins in any dollar store.
You also need to be able to quickly and clearly say, exactly what the child has done correctly and why he is getting a butterfly, a flag or a coin.
Don't be afraid to include in this list of achievements even small actions like: 'He wasn't swinging his legs for a few seconds,' 'He took his finger out of his mouth, 'He tried to sing the note do in the first octave.' Even if the child simply nodded and didn't even think about it, count that as a credit to him. In this way the toddler starts to understand, that we are really working with him and also what is expected of him so as to become a good student. He will certainly not want you to be disappointed in him and will want to come again and again!
We all learn very well how notice mistakes. To learn how to see positive changes is challenge for most of us. Therefore, 'music money' supposed to be used for the positive re-enforcement only with your toddler. Please, keep it mind always!
Share with me your thoughts and observations in your home classroom! Let's work together on this very important goal: making your child feel appreciated as a student.
It is time to play 5 fingers exercise forward and backwards. The 4th and 5th fingers are going to become stronger every time you practice.
Keep teaching how to play the Left Hand of the Hot Cross Buns. If your child finds 2 keys of the Left Hand quickly, suggest to use pinkie and thumb to play the chord instead of two index fingers:
Our Soft Mozart teacher call it 'Dragon exercise'. Child's hand definitely looks like a little 'dragon' this way:...
Place cards from Mi to Mi
Learn how to place cards from Do backwards: Do Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do
Practice LH of the HCB. Try to use the 'dragon hand', when you play the chord in LH.
Keep working on the RH.
March from 'Nutcracker' by Peter Tchaikovsky: Please, download and add to your Gentle Piano Library an easy and short LMZ excerpt from the piece from this link
This piece may be challenging for your child since he has to press one key 4 times in the row in his right hand. Left hand is busy too. Let us know, how it went, though and share your success story!
Share your thoughts or results in your Progress Diary.
Sincerely yours,
Hellene Hiner
Video success:
All the lesson plans:
for 24 months to 3 year old
3 year old to 5 year old
5+ year old
Intensive Course for Adults-beginners
Always check here, if there any recital in the progress! You and your child will benefit a lot from the participation.
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