Preparatory A (from 2+). Lesson 5
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How was your experience teaching your baby to play the Right hand of the 'Hot Cross Buns'?
If he/she was mostly focused on spiders and Mr. Oops, it is perfectly OK. Do you remember that kids just have to have this stage of exploring?
There are no inattentive children. There are students, however, whose attention has not yet reached the stage of solving certain super structural problems. It is our goal to determine the child’s level of attention and develop an action plan for its further progress.
As a rule, the strengths of any healthy baby are his taste, tactile and auditory perception as well as spatial orientation ability. Visual perception and speech (onomatopoeic) memory are among the first senses developed in your baby.
We have to narrow visual stimulation as much as we can and help the child to find music note on the screen, to find the corresponding key and to press it with one finger.
Keep working on the 5 fingers exercise. Video sample:
1. Keep working with cards on the cards and stickers on your piano keys.
- Place the cards from Do to Do forwards and backwards
- Press the piano keys from Do to Do forwards and backwards
2. Guess Key® Module - keep working on it within the same time frame. Do not forget to keep records of the results!
Gentle Piano®
1. Keep working on the Right Hand (R) of Hot Cross Buns and ask your chald to sing the notes:
Activity for the FULL version users:
2. Today we are going to teach the child how to press and keep the key long enough to see a butterfly:
Your child is now exploring the Gentle Piano module's characters. He/she wants to experience spider, Mr. Oops and Butterfly. Let him/her do it! I created a special music piece just for that purpose!
1. Click here to download this unique LMZ file for this activity. Save this file on any folder that is easy for you to find
2. Go to your Songs Library folder. If your computer is Windows, go to disk C --> Program Files (X86) --> Soft Mozart --> Songs
3. With the right click of your computer mouse create a new folder and name it 0 to collect new songs for your child
4. Copy - paste the file that you just saved to this folder.
5. Open Gentle Piano program and find the Album 0
6. Open the Album and find the piece 'Butterfly DO'
Now your child will have to learn how to keep pressing the key long enough before the butterfly will appear!
If the key will be pressed not long enough, you will see Mr. Oops.
Share your experience with us in your Progress Diary!
1. Your Gentle Piano personal challenge: start sight-reading with the Gentle Piano Favorite Classic Primer Hayden 'Surprise Symphony': play R1, L1 or P1. Sing the notes with Solfeggio (Do, Re, Mi). Let your child watch you and press couple of keys here and there.
2. Keep teaching your child the simplified TEASER.
A video from one of our Soft Mozart families:
Keep working on all the previous exercises and piano pieces with your child! Don't push!
At least 2 pictures and 1-2 videos of the listed activity will be counted towards your/your child's credits for graduation DIPLOMA. Please, upload the videos on You Tube, copy the address from the BROWSER window and past it in your Progress Diary. Don't forget to mention in the description of your photo/video Soft Mozart Academy, year and activity.
Sincerely yours, Hellene Hiner.
Video success:
All the lesson plans:
for 24 months to 3 year old
3 year old to 5 year old
5+ year old
Intensive Course for Adults-beginners
Always check here, if there any recital in the progress! You and your child will benefit a lot from the participation.
Your place to start your Diary is here