Preparatory B (from 3 to 5). Lesson 48
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Attention with the Hiner Method in
Beginning of Coordination Development of Both Hands
Sound has a beginning, a development, and an end. This process can be shorter or longer depending on the length of the sound. For beginners, training attention to learn to recognize this information presents an additional challenge.
Animation in the Gentle Piano Module helps the student’s eyes to see when to press, hold, and release the sound.
By playing notes with separate hands, the student starts paying more attention to rhythmic cues faster. By learning to quickly shift his visual focus from notes to keys, he can switch his attention to read additional information. Thus, attention starts to see when the student should hold (sound signal from Mr. Oops), release (butterfly) and replace (spider) the key.
The next step in hand coordination development is playing with both hands when one hand holds the note (blossoming flower) and the other one switches the keys (butterflies). If a beginner is unable to perform this task, it means that his attention is not yet ready to coordinate both hands. In this case, he should continue working on improving the timer reading and wait for his attention to be able to complete this task.
On this video at 1:06-1:16, little Titus is not controlling the movement of his left hand yet and spontaneously press it with the right one. At 1:26 – 1:28 Titus gradually gain control over his movements and learn to press piano keys in one hand while changing them in another.
You have to watch carefully the timer and wait, when child's attention will be able to comprehend this task.
Piano Hand Position Exercises by Olga Egorova: "Rolling Ball"
This exercise develops control over fine motor skills and small muscles of each hand. It gives beginners the feeling of flexibility of their fingers and helps them to focus on controlling their fingers on 2-4 in various combinations.
2. Make to repeat all other piano exercises:
- Five fingers
- The Spookie Wind
- Chromatic scale in divergent motion
- Chromatic scale in parallel motion
- Hanon # 1
- ДО (C) Major Scale in divergent motion
- Triads.
Bass Staff Puzzle® - keep working on the module and rechord the results
If your child is developing faster or slower than our plans suggest, we recommend writing to us at to start working with our certified specialists.
Gentle Piano®
1. Boogie 1 - "Rock group" - play R1, L1 and P1
3. Repeat all of your previous piano pieces.
4. Music Sight-Reading ТEASER Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf" - "Cat's Theme"
Play R3, L3 and P3
Listen to Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf" - "Cat's Theme":
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At least 2 photos and 1-2 videos of the listed activities will count towards your child's credits for the graduation DIPLOMA. Please upload the video to You Tube, copy the address from the BROWSER window and paste it into your Progress Diary. Do not forget to indicate the year and type of work in the description of your Soft Mozart Academy photo / video.
Sincerely Yours,
Hellene Hiner
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