Preparatory C (from 5+). Lesson 46
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In traditional training, there are two approaches at the beginning of training - rhythm, meter and duration:
1. Teachers speak of symbols of duration and proportion. The student must remember how the signs look and what value each of them has. This approach is part of the lessons of music theory.
2. Teachers ask the student to repeat this or that rhythmic pattern using the same old mechanical muscle memory: clap to the beat or play by ear.
How do we teach note duration?
In Soft Mozart, we propose a different approach: the study of musical time in the process of interaction with musical notesound (my term).
Each note in each piece of music has a beginning, development and completion.
The girl in this picture is experiencing the completion of 2 notes. They turned into butterflies on the screen after the completion.
As a rule, the teacher in the "traditional" class tries to control this process, singing along to the student, exploding the rhythm, playing with the beginner synchronously and guiding him/her with all kinds of tips. In this case, the teacher plays the role of a “live” punching bag for a while, until the student either understands “how it works” or refuses classes.
This is a rather inefficient and thankless job.
In Soft Mozart, we laid the foundation of the process in a computer program.
Interaction with the keyboard using computer animation helps any person, even a 2-year-old child, not only to see, but also to feel the process of creating each musical sound with the fingertips.
The ability to control the duration of a note in real time, working with musical sound, has become a huge breakthrough in music education.
Let's get back to our topic of pedagogy ...
So ... Preparatory measures for the development of concentration and impact power are:Note Duration ® is a module helps make a gradual shift from visual to muscle attention. Initially, the effort of a student’s attention is directed towards the solving of visual problems (see note in a certain halo of color and bring it to the segment with the same hue by pressing the space bar).
If the student can handle this task with at a good rate with good timer numbers, he will switch his attention towards controlling the strength of impact force.
Guess Key is a module that helps attention work on the key geography. It can be used for a smoother transition from stickers to tabs and from synthesizer to piano.
Video Sample:
Playing scales and exercises on synthesizer and piano helps attention learn to control the strength of the impact force, because muscles work on autopilot mode.The transition from synthesizer to piano will be smoother for the student’s attention, if he starts by playing the piano exercises that he previously worked on.
We repeat the game of triads in C Major and C Minor. We play triads with a metronome at a slow pace.
We play each triad three times with the right and three times with the left hands together. It turns out 6 keys at the same time.
Key layout map in C major and C minor triads played simultaneously:
If possible, repeat all other previously learned exercises.
Acquaintance with the fifth letter from the "Kingdom of Tune"
Queen's lady-in-waiting: I have a surprise for you!
1.III Stage. Acquaintance with the third step of the mode in C Major.
2.Game skill Strengthening the skill of playing the Chromatic scale.
3.Playing exercises in different timbres and with different dynamics
4.Preparing to Master the Minor Key
Video example of working with the fifth letter:
If your child is growing faster or slower than our plans suggest, we encourage you to contact us at to start learning with our certified professionals.
1. Gentle Piano® - Album Favorite Classic 1 - For execution - Ode to Joy: R - RH, L - LH и P - PH
Improving the performance of a piece with single and two hands with the help of TEACHING VIDEOS
With metronome:
Without metronome:
2. Gentle Piano®- Reading from a sheet. First Steps: Hot Cross buns
Playing R, L and P on 2, 4, 5, 6
3. Gentle Piano® - Nursery 1 - For execution - "Old Mac Donald"
Playing R and L
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At least 2 photos and 1-2 videos of the listed activities will count towards your child's credits for the graduation DIPLOMA. Please upload the video to You Tube, copy the address from the BROWSER window and paste it into your Progress Diary. Do not forget to indicate the year and type of work in the description of your Soft Mozart Academy photo / video.
Sincerely Yours,
Hellene Hiner
Video Success:
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