Preparatory C (from 5+). Lesson 49
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Healthy Balance Between Visual and Motor Perception.
Beginner's attention is evenly distributed between muscular and visual development throughout all modules of Soft Mozart. For development of motor skills, visual tasks are simplified and vice versa.
In the Note Duration Module your toddler receives a signal through color-coding that tells him how long to hold a key. With the development of skill of pressing and releasing a key, the color-coding is gradually removed, and the child's attention switches working on the sound of the music piece and the visual representation of the note length.
All modules of the program use interactive algorithm that reads the beginner’s reaction speed to visual images. As his coordination improves, it makes visual tasks more complex.
In the Gentle Piano Module attention is directed towards motor skills development. Here visual presentations 1 and 3 should be used, as they are easier for reading musical score.
While gradually increasing complexity of the text at level 2, 4, 5, and 6 presentations, you have to choose the piano pieces that are easier for your child’s motor skills, thus, redirecting his attention towards reading musical text through lines and spaces.
If the build-up of complexity is gradually and properly adjusted, your child will be able to choose his own workload and will be in charge of his own progress. This significantly improves the efficiency of his attention and helps reach the stage of solving super-structural problems faster.
In this process, the role of a teacher as well as of a parent is to learn to work with the student's attention instead of fighting it.
1. Repeat playing triads and arpeggios in C Major and C Minor. Playing an arpeggio with a metronome at a medium tempo.
2. As far as possible, we repeat the previous exercises. We follow the brush, the elbow. correct hand placement.
Acquaintance with the eighth letter from the "Kingdom of Tune"
King Dominant: Actually, my letter should have been the first!
- Strengthening the skill of finding and playing the dominant key in C Major. Game skill
- The concept of an interrupted turnover: the relationship of the Dominant and the Sixth step
- Consolidation of the concept of tonic fifth. Game skill.
- Tonic triad. Mastering through the skill of playing in C Major
- The game of the Tonic triad is compact and in two octaves.
- The beginning of the development of the minor. Acquaintance with the minor III step in C Minor
- Minor tonic triad
- Playing a Minor Tonic triad in one and two octaves
- Minor Tonic third. Playing in C Minor
- Playing Major and Minor Tetrachords from C
Video example of lesson #1:
Video example of lesson #2:
If your child is growing faster or slower than our plans suggest, we encourage you to contact us at to start learning with our certified professionals.
1. Gentle Piano® - Nursery 1 - For execution - "Old Mac Donald"
Try to make the minimum number of mistakes with the minimum time delay.
2. Gentle Piano®- Reading from a sheet. First Steps: Marianne
Playing R, L and P on 2, 4, 5, 6
ТИЗЕР: Gentle Piano® P.I. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Little Swans"
Download LMZ file, save and add to the library.
Play R and L
An example of the performance of the work:
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At least 2 photos and 1-2 videos of the listed activities will count towards your child's credits for the graduation DIPLOMA. Please upload the video to You Tube, copy the address from the BROWSER window and paste it into your Progress Diary. Do not forget to indicate the year and type of work in the description of your Soft Mozart Academy photo / video.
Sincerely Yours,
Hellene Hiner
Video success:
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For students from 3 to 5
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