Preparatory C (from 5+). Lesson 2
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Hellene Hiner - the Author of "Soft Way to Mozart" and Hiner Method

Hellene Hiner (Elena Nikolayeva) was born in Leningrad (currently St. Petersburg, Russia) on February 21, 1961. In 1964, Hiner’s family moved to Ukraine.
With a concentration in piano performance, Hiner graduated from a state music school in Pokrov, Ukraine, in 1976. She continued her piano studies at the university, and in 1980, graduated from Kosenko Music College in Zhitomir, Ukraine, with a Bachelor of piano, music theory and music history. In 1987, she graduated from University of Arts in Kharkiv, Ukraine, with a Master’s degree in musicology, music criticism, music history and music theory—all preparing her to become a music educator.
Since 1980 her main field of study has been music pedagogy, psychology and education. At Hiner’s graduation in 1987, Moscow Conservatory recommended that she publish her thesis “How to Teach Students in Public Schools to Hear and Appreciate Sonatas and Symphonies.”

An image from University of Arts' Encyclopedia about the most notorious graduates from 1917-2017
In 1980, she started her career as a piano/theory teacher in a state music school in Pokrov, Ukraine. During 1987-93, after graduation, she was a teacher in Zaporogiye state music school #2.
After immigration to the USA in 1993, she opened her Music Developmental Program “Little Mozart” in 1995 (Houston, USA). From 1998 to 2001 she worked as a Music Director of Cottage Montessori School system.
Her new findings in teaching music and piano were featured on ABC tv. In 15 minutes on a live talk show, she taught a 7-year-old student chosen at random from the audience to play the piano.
In 2001 she created the software component to her method and the company name was changed to “Do Re Mi Fa Soft.” Using her digital tool, she further developed her system, named “Soft Way to Mozart” or “Soft Mozart.” NBC and CBS channels featured her method and the achievements of her students for their outstanding performances.See all the TV stories here
From 2011 to the present, the company has become Music Vision International, LLC.
The system has been translated into Russian, Spanish, German, French, Chinese and Japanese.
Her first publication was made by Moscow Conservatory in the book How to teach Solfeggio in the XXI century in 2006 (Publishing house Classics – 21 ISBN: 5-89817-166-5, Russian Federation).

Her research on the most effective ways of teaching music literacy has been further developed and described in a series of scientific publications made with the leaders in the field of music technology and pedagogy: Irina Gorbunova from Herzen University, Russia, and Michael Zalivadny from St. Petersburg Conservatory, Russia.
Ms. Hiner’s articles on piano pedagogy have been published by several Russian universities in compilations, journals, and conference proceedings. Her article “Computer Way to Mozart” appeared in the book How to Teach Solfeggio in the XXI Century (Moscow, Russia: Moscow Conservatory Publishing House Classics 21, 2006).
Another article focused on an undeserved audience for studying piano: “Inclusive Music Education: The Methodical Recommendations of the System ‘Soft Way to Mozart’ for Children with Special Needs” (St. Petersburg, Russia: Herzen University, 2017).
Three of her articles have been part of a series titled Internet and Digital Space: Post Material Values of Youth, A Child in the Modern World (St. Petersburg, Russia: Herzen University, 2018). These three writings are entitled “The Main Features of Attention Span and the Most Efficient Ways of its Development in Children (‘Soft Way to Mozart’ Music Training Method),” “Motivation as an Important Factor of Successful Teaching of Music on the Piano and Music Recitals Online,” and ”Building Student Self-Respect and ‘Soft Training’ as the Main Principles of Teaching Music with the ‘Soft Mozart’ System.”

She has also collaborated with other authors. With I. Gorbunova, Hiner wrote “Interactive Network Technologies for Training Music in the School of the Digital Century: The Program ‘Soft Way to Mozart’” (Orel, Russia: Oryol State University, 2014). The two authors also presented the paper “Music Computer Technologies and Interactive Network Systems of Learning Music” (Oxford, UK: 190th VIIER International Conference on Psychology, Language, and Teaching, 2018).

Presenting the invention in Oxford, UK
Hiner and Gorbunova have also published with a third author, M.Zalivadny. Their articles include “About the Value of Mathematical Methods in the Study of Music and Professional Training of Musicians” (St. Petersburg, Russia: St. Petersburg University Consortium, 2015) and “Musical-Computer Technologies as an Information-Translation System in the School of the Digital Century” (Orel, Russia: Oryol State University,2014).
A video speech for the Exhibit of scientific achievements of Herzen University (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2018)
Hellene Hiner’s publications:
- Hiner, H. “Building Student Self-Respect and ‘Soft Training’ as the Main Principles of Teaching Music with the ‘Soft Mozart’ System.” In Internet and Digital Space: Post Material Values of Youth A Child in the Modern World. (St. Petersburg, Russia: Herzen University, 2018).
- Hiner, H. “Computer Way to Mozart.” In How to Teach Solfeggio in the XXI Century (Moscow, Russia: Moscow Conservatory Publishing house Classics 21, 2006). ISBN: 5-89817-166-5
- Hiner, H. “Inclusive Music Education: The Methodical Recommendations of the System ‘Soft Way to Mozart’ for Children with Special Needs.” (St. Petersburg, Russia: Herzen University, 2017). ISBN 978-5-8064-2358-8
- Hiner, H. “The Main Features of Attention Span and the Most Efficient Ways of its Development in Children (‘Soft Way to Mozart’ Music Training Method).” In Internet and Digital Space: Post Material Values of Youth, A Child in the Modern World. St. Petersburg, Russia: Herzen University, 2018). ISBN 978-5-8064-2519-6
- Hiner, H. “Motivation as an Important Factor of Successful Teaching of Music on the Piano and Music Recitals Online.” In Internet and Digital Space: Post Material Values of Youth "A Child in the Modern World. (St. Petersburg, Russia: Herzen University, 2018). ISBN 978-5-8064-2519-6
- Hiner, H. and I.Gorbunova. “Interactive Network Technologies for Training Music in the School of the Digital Century: The Program 'Soft Way to Mozart.'” (Orel, Russia: Oryol State University, 2014). ISSN: 1997-9878
- Hiner, H. and I.Gorbunova. “Music Computer Technologies and Interactive Network Systems of Learning Music.” (Oxford, UK: 190th IIER International Conference on Psychology, Language, and Teaching, 2018). II-PLTOXFD-19098-1253
- Hiner, H., Gorbunova, and M.Zalivadny, “About the Value of Mathematical Methods in the Study of Music and Professional Training of Musicians.” (St. Petersburg, Russia: St. Petersburg University Consortium, 2015). ISSN: 2222-5064
- Hiner, H., Gorbunova, and M.Zalivadny. “Musical-Computer Technologies as an Information-Translation System at the School of the Digital Century.” (Orel, Russia: Oryol State University, 2014). ISSN: 1997-9878
1. 5 Fingers exercise: continue to play the exercise with separate or two hands from the note DO in different octaves.
Video example:
1. Keep working with cards and musical rows from Do to Do and back.
After placing all the cards in order hide a card and ask a child to guess its name by counting the order of the notes in the row.
Video Sample:
2. The second section of the Alphabet Song: notation from PE to PE
Listen to a song from Re and place cards in order from Re to Re
Do it in forward and backward directions:
Video sample:
Hide the cards and guess their names
If your child is developing faster or slower than our plans suggest, we recommend writing to us at to start working with our certified specialists.
1. Gentle Piano®
Did your child learn how to keep pressing the key long enough to see a butterfly with our piano piece "The butterfly"?

However, most often any beginner learns to focus on the right key and note from the musical text very quickly.
Rely on the program numbers! If in the lower right corner the amount of "lost" time - time lag - is not very large (slightly more than the number of correctly played notes), then your student or child does not need any additional visual cues.

2. Piano piece for mastering:
Introductory Songs: "Hot Cross Buns" S, after that right hand R3, left hand L3 and both hands P3
1. Keep practicing the
ТEASER: Joseph Haydn "Surprise Symphony" # 94
Gentle Piano®: Favorite Classics Primer Joseph Hayden "Surprise Symphony"
Ask your child to play the theme from the symphony with right, left and two hands (R, L and P)
2. Music Theory theater
Check out the fairy tale of our Theater of Theory "What is music - and what is noise".
This story will help teach your child to appreciate the sound of music and not respect screaming and noise.
The best friend of noise is a headache (this is the most important concept for any baby today!). Of course, there are quite a few other concepts in this story.
Just watch and listen!
By the way, you will hear the same theme from Haydn's "Surprise" Symphony in history.
After playing, you will get a special pleasure to hear the music performed by the orchestra!
Visit our Soft Mozart forum and start your progress diary here. Use the current year section. This is the place for you to ask questions and share your experiences.
At least 2 photos and 1-2 videos of the listed activities will count towards your child's credits for the graduation DIPLOMA. Please upload the video to You Tube, copy the address from the BROWSER window and paste it into your Progress Diary. Do not forget to indicate the year and type of work in the description of your Soft Mozart Academy photo / video.
Sincerely Yours,
Hellene Hiner
Video Success:
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Your place to start your progress diary is here.