Piano intensive course for adults-beginners. Lesson 3
To teach music notes away from the piano keys is like watching a movie first without sound, then listening only to the sound with no motion picture.
1.Practice 5 fingers exercise with metronome or beats of your digital piano/keyboard. Try different speeds.
2. Keep practicing the Hanon #1 exercise with separate and both hands. You can try to use a metronome or beats for practicing it too!
Here is the video recording of one of our students for you:
keep practicing the Note Alphabet.
If you decided to play the module for 15 min, stick with this time till you will be mostly on highest speed and green coins.
Keeping your diary is very important for you to see, how your skills are getting improved.
Fluency in reading notes sequences is very important for your music development: you will need this skill for sight-reading, ear training, piano technique development and many other activities
Working with Piano Keys:
H.Hiner 'Etudes for your eyes': LINES
It is not music composition. I made the exercises as less musical as possible to avoid any memorization of the material.
These exercises will help your eyes to focus on the lines and grasp corresponding keys simultaneously.
I recommend playing these etudes on 2, 4, 5 and 6 visual modes (press 2, 4, 5 or 6 on your computer keyboard). Use of 1 and 3 may distract you from the perception of the lines.
Download and save the following files:
Etude #2
Play the Etudes for eyes with and without Piano Key Guides, if possible!
1. Album Nursery Songs Level 0
Play all the piano pieces on the 5 and 6 modes with separate and both hands.
2. Album Favorite Classic Primer on 2 and 4 using separate and both hands.
Use S to hear the piano piece AFTER the first try.
Have only 2 tries.
Video sample from one of our students:
Write the score and see the improvement.
1. Hot Cross Buns from the "Introductory Songs" play on P and PH
2. If you made perfect score or less then 3 mistakes with minimum time, practice the song with the TEACHING VIDEO with the metronome:
and with no metronome:
Find the "French Song" in the same album. Practice R, L and P hands.
Share your results in our forum!
Watch our before and after video:
If you have any questions or comment, email me any time at admin@softmozart.com
Sincerely yours,
Hellene Hiner
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Always check, if we have any recitals in progress. The place for recitals is here